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Chicken Escabeche

After the bite of chicken Escabeche I got at Patagonian Gourmet, I was in the mood for more, so I tried making my own. The recipe that follows (from an Argentine site) is quite simple. It's nowhere as tasty as the one at Patagonian, but it's quite good and addictive! I still haven't served myself a dish, I keep going back to the pot and taking pieces of chicken (don't worry, I only made it for Mike, Mika and I - we share our germs in many other ways)! We are going to have a lot of wasted veggies (next time I'll use less). Mika also liked it, despite the vinegary tasty.

A word of caution, I cooked the chicken for 2-3 hours and that was probably too much (or at too high temperature). You may want to check the texture after 1 1/2 hours.

Chicken Escabeche

-olive oil
-5 lbs chicken parts, skinned
-1 lb white onions, sliced
-1 lb carrots, shredded
-2 cups white wine
-2 cups white vinegar
-2 cups water
-1 tbsp Kosher salt
-black pepper to taste
-3 Bay leaves

In a large pot heat the olive oil. Quickly sautee the chicken pieces, sealing the juices but not browning them. Remove. Add the onions and sautee until they start to soften. Add the carrots, stir and sautee until all the vegetables are soft. Add the chicken pieces, the wine, vinegar, water, salt, pepper and bayleaves. Mix, bring to a boil and then simmer at very low heat until chicken is done, about 2 hours.

Can be served warm as a main dish or cold as an appetizer.


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