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Restaurants and more restaurants

I just posted a review for Lotus Thai Cuisine, a small and very cute restaurant on Piedmont Ave. in Oakland, where Kathy and I had lunch earlier this month. We loved the restaurant, in particular its recessed tables, but hated the dried-out food.

Another recently posted review is for The Rice Table, an Indonesian restaurant in Marin we visited last month with our friends Charlotte and Daniel. The food was great but the portions left some to be desired.

Closer to home, we went to Porky's Pizza Palace in Washington Manor, a place where you can eat and let your kids run around. The pizza and pasta are OK too.

We've visited a number of other restaurants, the reviews for which are still on the editing process (I'll add the links to them as I get them back). These include:

-The Egg Shop in Montclair, a great spot for a Father's Day brunch

-Casa Madrid in Pleasanton, we didn't like the tapas at this Spanish eater but got the best service we've ever had.

-Pasta Pelican in Alameda, the bay view is a winner at this moderately-priced eatery. The food is not bad either.

-Stacey's, a nice bistro in downtown Pleasanton had the best herbed butter but very slow serive.

-Village Bistro in Castro Valley offers traditional continental cuisine, comfort food for grown up palates.

-Sansar also in downtown Pleasanton has delicious Indian food, at Pleasanton prices.


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