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Costco's Flan

I just tried the flan from costco. AFAIK it's a new item and was in the cakes section (next to a fruit cake and a cheesecake). It's delicious. It tastes just like great flan, but it's incredibly smooth and creamy. I actually missed the rough texture I get when I make flan, but my mom loved the smoothness. It's also very, very rich. Yummm.

Of course it has some ingredients I don't like (like corn syrup), and at $13 for the 3 lbs flan it's not exactly cheap. Plus it's very flat so I wouldn't serve it to guests. But lord, is it good!


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Comments (2)

Vicki :

Belgium Chocolate Pudding from Trader Joe's...alone or spread between layers of pound cake, frost or top w/whipped cream...maybe some bananas between layers or dark chocolate for garnish.

Yummy! We concur! We just bought one (my wife just had a baby, so I was looking for a decadent treat to speed her recovery), and the whole family is enjoying it immensely.

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