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Food at SBC Park

Last night we went to see the Boca-America game at SBC Park (Boca destroyed America 3-1) and we had "dinner" there. We sat at the club level and got food from McGraw's Derby Grill. The food was OK.

Mike has a chili-dog which he thought was quite good. He thought the same of the chicken-apple-sausage sandwich he got for Mika ($5). Michaela actually ate the whole sausage (leaving the bread), which means it must have either been very good or she must have been really hungry.

I was much more unlucky with my cheeseburger ($6.25). The plain burger had been sitting under a heat lamp and was very dry. It was school-cafeteria quality (i.e. McDonalds would have been an improvement) and it came plain. You could add onions and other condiments in theory, but the cheese had fused the burger with the bread to the point that they were unseparatable. In other words, don't order burgers here.

We has an order of fries (~$3) which was fine, and a churro ($3.50) which was disappointing. It was worm but kind of soggy.

Fountain sodas (~$3 for a small) were a little weird-tasting but strill drinkable.

In the same level there was a full bar, a stand selling quesadillas and other bad-looking Mexican food, and a stand selling pizza.


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