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Homemade pizza

I had heard about Trader Joe's pizza dough for a while, so during my last TJ trip I bought some of the herbs & garlic one. It's in the refrigerated section, right next to the pizza sauce (which I also bought). Add some pre-shredded quatro formaggio, some pepperoni and fresh pineapple and alas, we have pizza.

Of course, I first needed a pizza stone and I secured one at the new "dd's discount" store that opened in San Leandro. This is basically a Ross store selling cheaper crap - kind of like a McFrugals that concentrates on clothing. But they do have the same type of stuff that Ross has, including some cooking items. I got a Farberware pizza stone for $10. It was not a bargain.

I had washed and let dry the stone as the instructions said, but I found myself without the necessary cornmeal to put under the pizza. The instructions said to not use flour as it would burn, so I decided to just put the pizza on the stone. It wasn't a good idea. As the pizza cooked it merged with the stone and it became impossible to separate it. We basically had to cut through the crust to eat it. It was really good, though now I think I have a useless stone. I don't know if it'll be possible to clean it though I'll try. If I get it clean, I'll certainly will make pizza again and next time I won't skip the cornmeal :)


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 13, 2004 12:14 AM.

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