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Old Weang Ping Village

I was set on going for Italian last night, but then Mika and her gnocchi obsession hit me. After clearing her plates all day, I couldn't stomach the thought of another tomato sauce or pasta. Mike suggested Thai (of course) so I went on to search for a Thai restaurant somewhat nearby.

Here the East Bay Express dining pages came to my aid. It's really a great resource for finding restaurants in this part of the Bay, specially given how little notice the Chronicle and even Citysearch give to us here. It's particularly useful for finding small, out of the way restaurants and that's exactly what Old Weang Ping Village was.

I will write a full review later (of course), but in a few words this is an old, quirky restaurant in a part of Oakland we had never visited before (near Mills College). Regina felt we were in another city altogether (as Mike told her, we were). The food is very cheap ($5-6 por appetizers, $6-7 for main dishes) and very, very good. They call it Thai country cooking and the flavors are somewhat different from everyday Thai restaurants. The curries are less blended and much more abundant in vegetables. But all we had was delicious.

You can check out the review at the Express


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Comments (1)


this is an old favorite haunt of mine and some old friends from mills college, its fun to find it in your blog when i did a google search. cool blog! the old weang ping is afectionately referred to as the ghetto thai hut, just for fun and fyi.

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