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Stouffers Lasagna

I'm ashamed to say it but I love Stouffers lasagna. The small ones are OK, but they can't compete with the large party-tray size. For some reason, maybe the long, slow baking, it tastes much better.

I don't even want to look at the list of ingredients as I'm sure I'd be apalled. But it tastes sooo good, it's such the perfect comfort food. Plus, if you bake a tray you'll have dinner/lunch for at least a couple of days.


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Comments (2)


i do not eat their lasagna because between my mom, the very best, and my wife, second best,
i am quite a snob. But, i do feel exactly the same way about the mac and cheese entrees. the small ones are ok for now, but i really enjoy the larger packages a lot more!
maybe we need to investigate huh? thankx!

big daddy mac:

hell yeah. stouffers lasagna rocks! I never liked lasagna before i tried it

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