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An afternoon in Rockridge

Once a week I take my little girls to a "field trip" somewhere that is Bartable and yesterday we went to Rockridge. Camila (6mo) is pretty cranky lately and Mika (3 yo) gets bored easily but all in all we managed to have a good time. We started by visiting Crepevine, part of a chain of restaurants serving sweet and savory crepes, sandwiches, soups, salads and pasta dishes. I had told Mika that we were going to a "panquequería" to have "panqueques" so when we got there she was disappointed that they didn't have any dulce de leche crepes, which is what I make (very occasionally) at home. Finally she accepted a banana with caramel rum sauce one. It was folded as an envelope and came with a large portion of whipped cream and ice-cream, which of course made her immediately happy. The crepe was pretty good, though I think a dulce de leche & banana crepe might be even better. It was nice sitting outside, even though it was a gray day, and there were other moms with babies. Still, Camila started to fuss and it was time for us to go on.

Our next stop was Rockridge kids, where I got a toy for Camila and Mika had a wonderful time playing with dolls and such. She's now past the age of playing with "babies" and more into grown up dolls - pretty cute.

We then went to the Marketplace to buy some cheese for my "salon" tonight. The french-accented attendant was very helpful and very knowledgeable, I pretty much went on his recommendations on what to get. We'll see the results tonight.

Mika was a pain at the store, she wanted to get into everything and those bins with pasta were irresistable - but I was able to bribe her (I hate doing that) with the promise of a cookie. We'd been there before with Mike and she'd gotten a cookie so of course she wanted one again. She's very much a creature of habits, do something once, it's become a tradition.

She was happy with her flower cookie (they also have butterfly ones), I got a chocolate chocolate chip one that I didn't like, it was too dry, and almost tasted stale. Eating cookies there won't be a tradition for me.

Then it was time to come home - Mika is already asking to go again. We'll see.


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