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Grilled Tri-Tip redux

Every time we buy meat at Costco it lasts us 3 dinners, I don't like to freeze meat, so once again we had tri-tip for dinner. This time our dinner menu was:

Grilled Tri-Tip with Blue Cheese Butter
Truffled Mashed Potatoes
Grilled Asparagus

To make the blue cheese butter mix softened butter with blue cheese and some chopped garlic (I used the blender to mix it well). Put on wax paper, roll and refrigerate until it hardens. Slice it and serve on top of the meat.

The blue cheese butter worked well with the asparagus as well. To prepare them I washed & dried them and tossed with olive oil and chopped garlic. Grill for about 4 minutes.

To make the mashed potatoes I boiled three peeled and quartered Russet potatoes. I mashed them and mixed with a couple of tablespoons of leftover creme fraiche, a tablespoon or so of milk and as much truffle oil as I needed to get the desire flavor. I also added some kosher salt.

Once again we had a great dinner.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 26, 2005 8:32 PM.

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