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Pamplona de Puerco

A couple of nights ago I made this very easy recipe for pork roll, an Uruguayan classic I took from the Barbecue Bible cookbook. The recipe below serves 4, I halved it for the two of us. Note that pre-packaged pork tenderloins usually come two to a package. I served this with a salad and leftover grilled corn.

  • 2 pork tenderloins
  • 2 slices provolone cheese
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • olive oil, salt & pepper

    Cut the tenderloins in two cross wise. Butterfly each half and pound it until it's about 1/2" thick. Cut the provolone cheese into thin slices. Core the bell pepper and cut it into thin strips. Place chese slices and red pepper strips on the middle of each butterflied tenderloin. Roll it and tie it up. Brush olive oil on each roll, season with salt and pepper.

    Oil the grill. Heat the grill to medium-high. Grill each tenderloin until done, about 4 minutes in each of its four sides.

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    Comments (1)


    We made the same recipe a few weeks ago, from the same cookbook. It was our first try from that book, and we loved it. We did think it needed a bit more provolone...

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    This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 20, 2005 5:36 PM.

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