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A Cuban night at Desiree's

My friend Desiree turned 34 last weekend and she celebrated by inviting us to dinner at her house. She made a delicious and gorgeous Cuban menu and I thought it should be immoratlized by pictures. Alas, I was too busy eating so I forgot to photograph the arroz con pollo which was the dinner's main dish.


The girl can bake - not only was the bread gorgeous but also delicious, specially with the soup





The breadpudding was delish


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Comments (4)


I would like to know about how you baked your bread. I am working at it .


I would appreciate any tips if any one is familiar with bolivian bread--lunas, marequettas.


All of this food makes me hungry!!!!!


I grew up in Bolivia and am looking for a recipe for Bolivian bread that we called pansitos. I would like to make it for my children to try. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks - Brian

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