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House of Siam

A couple of weekends ago (August 2005) I joined my friend Lola for lunch in downtown San Jose and she suggested House of Siam. This Thai restaurant has two locations, the one on South Second St. where we went had been recently remodeled and had some nice Thai art, but it wasn’t otherwise particularly remarkable. Its menu is pretty standard Thai, a little on the expensive side with most entrees priced at $11 (plus $1 for rice). Still, portions were generous though not enormously so. We finished most of the food, but had to work at it.

Lola ordered the chicken Pad Thai and I had the Mussaman Curry. They were both quite good. The Pad Thai had a fresh, not-at-all-spicy flavor and nice pieces of chicken. The Mussaman Curry was spicy and almost too intense in flavor, but it was also quite good. The meat was tender and good quality.

Service was competent and I'd go back if I was in the neighborhood.

House of Siam
151 S. Second St.
San Jose, Ca


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 26, 2005 7:09 PM.

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