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Marita's sweet Potato Pie Co.

For years, we've driven or even parked by Marita's Sweet Potato Pie Co. as we visited our friends Regina and Boris, who live in the neighborhood, or stopped by for a drink at Zocalo. I've always been curious to check it out, but the concept of "sweet potato pie" just does not appeal to Mike. In the last few weeks, however, I've started walking by Marita's once a week and have had my opportunity to give it a try, and another, and another :)

Marita's is a bakery but one that sells basically two things, cakes (mostly by the slice) and pies. The cakes are simple affairs, consisting of plain cake and frosting. The slices are displayed in two large display cabinets, one of which is filled by slices of Red Velvet Cake alone. The latter is their pride and joy. I liked it, the cake itself didn't taste like much but the creme cheese filling was delicious. Indeed, this seems to be the case with most of their cakes, the cakes themselves are not special but the fillings are just plain yummy. So far I've had the Red Velvet, the coconut, the butter cream and the yellow chocolate - I enjoyed the latter most of all. Still, I'm planning to taste them all in my weekly visits. The slices - priced at $2-2.75 each are quite generous, you shouldn't have a problem sharing one.

The full cakes ($13-18) are quite large, and they only seem to have a few on display so you may want to call ahead if that's what you are looking for. In addition to cakes, they serve sweet potato pie, peach cobbler, bread pudding and pecan pie.

The bakery doesn't have a place to sit, it's strictly a take-out operation

Marita's Sweet Potato Pie Co.
600 Dutton Avenue
San Leandro


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