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New Restaurant reviews up

Salang Pass, located in Fremont is probably the best Afghan restaurant in the Bay Area

Ephesus, a self-proclaimed kebab lounge, makes, indeed,pretty good kebabs. But beware of the one appetizer in particular!

Cock-a-Doodle Cafe offers good, eclectic breakfast food in comfortable surroundings, though not interesting enough to make us go back.

Fatapple's, a perennial favorite, Fatapple's continues serving great breakfast and pastries.

Lovejoy's Tea Room has wonderful food in an atmosphere reminiscent of grandma's living room


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Estuve leyendo tu blog, al que llegué buscando información sobre las pacanas, las cuales yo consideraba nueces silvestres por el solo hecho de haberlas encontrado en un árbol. Muy interesante lo tuyo. Felicitaciones.

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