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Kalaloch Lodge Restaurant

During our trip to the Olympic Peninsula we spent a night at the Kalaloch Lodge and (with no other options in sight) had both dinner and breakfast there. It wasn't a bad experience. The Kalaloch Lodge is located in a beautiful setting next to the beach and the restaurant has great views of the Pacific Ocean; reserve early to get a window seat. The restaurant has a lodgy feeling with wood-covered ceilings and walls, though it looks more functional than cozy.

The menu is American/Pacific Northwest, and has a strong emphasis on seafood. Appetizers and burgers were $7 to $11, while main entrees $10-26. There is also a children's menu with the usual offerings for $3-5.

Mike started with the clam chowder ($4 for a cup). He found it a bit salty, but overall good - better than your average clam chowder. It had big chunks of clam and celery, which he liked.

He continued with the seafood pasta ($22). It came with 2 scallops, 4 or 5 chunks of salmon, several large shrimp and red and yellow pepper, all in a very cheesey alfredo sauce. He was quite pleased with the dish.

I had the beef stew ($10), which was nice and hearty and I enjoyed (though not as much as mine, of course).

Probably the low point of the dinner was the service, the restaurant was busy though it didn't seem understaffed. However, our waitress disappeared after bringing the soup and didn't come to offer refills on the bread or the drinks, even though it took a long time before the entrees came.

The next day for breakfast service was better, but then again, the restaurant was less crowded. Their breakfast menu offers classics - pancakes & egg dishes - I had some really good granola and Mike had the pancake and egg combination which he enjoyed.

In all, we had good meals and we'd eat there again if we were staying at the lodge.

Kalaloch Lodge
157151 Hwy. 101
Forks, WA


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Last September we spent a couple of days exploring the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state. After spending an afternoon exploring the Enchanted Forest we headed south looking for a beach where to watch the sunset and a place to stay... [Read More]

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