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The Surf Restaurant - Port Townsend

During our visit to Port Townsend last month, we had dinner at the "Surf" restaurant. The restaurant is located by the waterfront and has beautiful views of the harbor. Inside it sort of resembles a pizza parlor, it has an enclosed bar area, a billard room and a couple of separate dining rooms. Tons of high chairs and booster seats make it perfect for a family with tired children.

The menu was mostly seafood based with most entrees in the low teens. Mike had one of the four daily specials, salmon in some sort of sauce, the sauce was mild but overall he liked it. I had the fish & chips which were also good. Service was friendly though the waiter seemed to be quite distracted.

If you go to Port Townsend, you could do worse than the "Surf". However, it seems that the restaurant will be either closing or changing ownership soon.

Surf Restaurant
106 Taylor St
Port Townsend, WA
(360) 385-2992


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