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Phnon Penh II Restaurant

Going through my papers I just run across the take out menu of Phnom Penh Restaurant and realized I hadn't written a review. It's been a couple of months since my visit, and I cannot actually remember specifically what we had, so I figured I'd just make a general note on it. If/when we go back again I'll write a proper review.

Phnon Penh has been a Chinatown institution for many years, but they now have opened a second location on Macarthur Blvd. and had given it what I call the "Asian Bistro" look. The walls and furnishings are stylish and trendy and yet comfortable and inviting - making it the sort of place where you can take anyone for any reason. And with a menu with entrees starting at $7.25, you can afford to. The portions are in the small side, so you'll want to order appetizers.

Phnon Penh offers Cambodian cuisine which in California it can mean anything, but which you can understand as a fusion of Vietnamese and Thai. As I said, i don't remember what we actually ordered, but the four of us shared several entrees and appetizers. Everything was very good, though obviously nothing was that memorable. I do remember particularly enjoying the deep fried bananas with coconut and ice cream ($4). The dish was large enough to share among the 4 of us.

One word of caution. Phnom Penh's secret is out (a glowing review in the Express hasn't hurt) and the restaurant is pretty small. When we visited in a weekday night there were people waiting in line outside the restaurant to come in. But they do take reservations, so call ahead.

Phnom Penh Restaurant
3912 Macarthur Blvd
Oakland, CA 94619


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Comments (2)


The dish Number 24 is outstanding. It's eggplant (which I'm not normally a fan of), ground pork, and ground shrimp. It's like candle and will coming back again and again.


If not tried already, you must have the dish - number 24. It is outstanding. It's eggplant (which I'm not normally a fan of), ground pork, and ground shrimp. It'll having coming back again and again.

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