Yesterday I ate my first oyster. My friend Lola and I were exploring Tomales Bay and she wanted to stop at Hog island Oysters for some oysters. I'm a nice friend, so even though I knew this would mean I'd seat around staring at the bay while she ate oyster after oyster, I complied. Plus it's a nice bay.
Hog Island Oysters has a swank oyster bar at the Ferry but at the "farm" it's a much more downscale (though not cheaper) experience. You park your car, go into the farm and chose your oysters among the types available that day (they start at $10 a dozen). You can then either take them home, or pay $8-10 per person for use of their pic-nic facilities - don't expect anything fancy, just a few old pic-nic tables and grills. As I wasn't eating oysters, they were nice enough to not charge me but Lola's bill for two dozen oysters and pic-nic fee came up to $30. Not bad, but not that much cheaper than at their bar where oysters cost $1.50 each.
Lola was quite happy to eat her oysters plain and raw, if you want to BBQ yours or add some lemon or condiments you can buy charcoal and supplies at the general stores a few minutes south. Hog Island Oysters does provide you with a tray, a shucking knife and glove so you can shuck them yourself.
Lola was in ecstasy. She ate and she moaned and she celebrated each and every taste, to the point that I figured I should at least give them a try. Could they possibly be that good? Trying them wasn’t easy for me, the little creatures looked almost as disgusting as snails, plus I don’t relish the thought of eating something that is actually alive (yeah, yeah, I’m a hypocrite, I’m OK with others doing the killing for me), but her expressions of pleasure really spiked my curiosity. So I tried a little Kumamoto oyster - the type that Lola found sweeter and most delicious (it was also the smallest). To me it tasted like concentrated sea water, with some sea weed added for good measure. I could see the appeal for Lola, the taste of the sea in all of its immensity and possibilities, more than a taste it seemed to be an experience. But as taste went it was just not my cup of tea - it was OK, it didn’t make me gag, but once was enough. Lola didn’t mind, as it meant more for her.
In all she was more than pleased with the experienced, she thought the oysters were very good and would definitely buy from them again. I am happy to have tried them once.