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Birthday Gift!

Today is my birthday (yay!) and my friends Victoria and Penelope got me a great (and very appropriate) gift of yummy, exotic foodstuff. They went shopping to the Euro Mix Deli in Oakland, a place I'll definitely have to check out. Their comprehensive gift basket included:

artichoke.jpgGia Russa Artichoke Bruschetta Topping from Italy. Haven't opened it yet :)

ikra.jpgZerGüt brand Ikra. This is an Eggplant "caviar" spread from Bulgaria. It's made with eggplant, carrots, tomatos, oil and spices and it's quite good. I'd served some of it at a Bulgarian dinner for Victoria and her husband Geoffrey a few weeks before. It has a pleasant smokey flavor, and it's good both as a dip for bread and a spread for sandwiches.

walnut.jpgArarat Young Walnut preserves, from Armenia. I have no idea what this is going to be like, I can see the young walnuts floating in a viscous liquid. I think I'm going to wait until I have a "tea" at home to open these.

tkemali.jpgTkemali is a Georgian sauce made with sour plums. There seem to be at least three varieties, and the one I got is from red (as opposed to yellow or green, per the drawings on the bottle) plums. This is suppose to be Georgia's version of ketchup and it's used to accompany grilled meats and vegetables. I served it with plain grilled chicken breast and it didn't do too well. It had a very vinegary taste, though the hints of plum were nice. I think it may go better with lamb and I'll try it on that next.

Bliny mix from "JSC "Atlanta-Service". Blinis are small, delicate crepes from Russia. I've heard of them but have never tried them. They sound delicious. Yum, yum, yum.

cookies.jpgBahlsen's Kipferl were small hazelnut cookies from Germany. The croissant-shaped cookies are small, somewhat dry (which is why it's suggested they go very well with tea or coffee) and quite addictive. It didn't take me long to finish the package.

tula.jpg Tula honey cake or Tulsky Pryanik is a traditional dessert from the Russian city of Tula. This one came with apricot-flavored apple sauce as filling, though they have other flavors as well. It was interesting, but I also found it a bit dry and not really something I'd be hankering over. I ate all, though :)

Costworld Double Gloucester with Onions & Chives is also called "pub cheese", it's supposed to have a strong cheddar flavor and I can't wait to try it.

Finally, I got and envelope of Pilau seasoning and one of schaschlik seasoning, both from Russia as well.

Truth be told, I can't believe just how generous Victoria and Penelope were. And I'm of course thrilled :)


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