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All is well at Joaquin Deli

Today Desiree, the kids (sans Camila, thanks God) and I, stopped at Joaquin Deli for lunch. The new owners were there, they've taken over and nothing has changed. Indeed, the sandwiches we had were excellent, and the stock seemed to be the same as usual. They greeted the kids with some fruit gummies, which of course they loved.

I talked to them for a little bit and they seem very excited about the place, they also seem to not have anticipated how busy it gets. Still, they are planning to extend the opening hours to 6 PM, and they may change the minimun for delivery from the $25 it's now. That would be good as we rarely order that much - though given how delicious their pork shoulder is, I probably should just order a couple of pounds and have them bring it over with some sandwiches :)


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 20, 2006 4:08 PM.

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