An Aragonese Menu

International Recipes


Aragonese food was my second incursion into the cuisines of Spain, and I am becoming convinced that Spanish food is among the great undiscovered cuisines of the world. Yes, there are a few Spanish restaurants here and there, but Spanish food has not achieved the level of ubiquity that French and Italian cuisine has, and that I'm becoming more and more convinced it deserves.

Needless to say, I very much enjoy both cooking and eating the Aragonese dishes below. They were hearty, delicious, a bit unusual and very satisfying. I chose them because they were among the most typical dishes (pollo al chilindrón, melocotón en vino), but also showed the avant garde of Aragonese cuisine (the salad). The menu worked very well and I would recommend it. I couldn't find Aragonese wine, so I served it with Rioja wine and, of course, they went well together.

The menu I served consisted of:

  • Salad with nuts, cheese tomatoes and honey vinaigrette
    followed by:
  • Pollo al Chilindrón
    Chicken with Red Peppers, served with:
  • Migas Aragonesas
    Aragonese Bread Bits. And for dessert:
  • Melocotón con Vino
    Peaches in Wine Sauce

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