Margarita's International Recipes


Pisang Goreng

Fried Banana

Pisang Goreng is an Indonesian dish rather than a Balinese one, but fried bananas have become a very popular dessert in Bali. They are relatively easy to make and very good - particularly when served with vanilla ice cream (this may be not be very traditional, but it's great).

I had a few problems making this recipe, however. First of all the proportions of rice flour to water in the original recipe made for too thick a paste. I've upped the quantity of water here but you may still want to add more water until you have a maneagable paste. Secondly, it makes way too much batter. You may want to double the number of bananas you use or halven the batter recipe. Make sure your bananas are not too ripe (mine were) or they may come apart while cooking.

Fried Banana


  • 8 small bananas
  • 1 cup rice flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • Oil for Frying


    Mix together rice flour, water and salt until smooth. Peel bananas and cut in half lenghtwise. Dip bananas into batter and coat well. Heat oil in a frying pan or wok, add bananas and cook until golden. Serve.

    Adapted from a recipe at the Bali Vacation Villas website

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