The Blue Bayou

Venue Food

Other Reviews


A Caveat

Situated at the start of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, under a (fake) night sky in a (fake) bayou, "The Blue Bayou" is an oasis of calm within the uber-hectic Disneyland park. You can sit by the water, hear the song of the (fake) crickets and watch the boats go by. Too bad that the over-conscientious waiters, in their drive to get you in and out as quickly as possible, ruin the whole experience by rushing you through your meal. Immediately after you are seated, your order is taken and you can barely butter the bread before your entrees arrive, and watch that you don't put your forks down for a second, as there will be a waiter ready to take your plate away. That "obsequiousness" is not completely unpleasant, it means that drinks are refreshed with lightning speed (and the free soda refills should help your re-hydration process), but it makes relaxing difficult.

The Blue Bayou offers a brief menu of Southern and Creole dishes, with most lunch entrees priced in the mid to high teens. The entrees are quite large; some you could easily share, and the food was better than I expected. I had the famed Monte Cristo sandwich, a turkey, ham and cheese sandwich deep fried, sprinkled with a bit of powdered sugar and served with some fruit preserve and pasta salad. The sandwich was very rich and quite good, though it tasted like it had been cooked in old oil. It was so big that I could only finish half. If you don't have a huge appetite I'd suggest splitting it with someone else. The pasta salad was just OK.

Kathy was happy with her prime rib, but I thought it tasted like a typical buffet prime rib. At $18, it wasn't a typical buffet price, but this is Disneyland after all. Mike liked the jambalaya but it was very spicy. He didn't mind that, but it made it impossible to taste the individual ingredients, meaning the shrimp and the chorizo tasted the same.

We didn't try the desserts as we were full and it was time to hit the rides again.

To eat at the Blue Bayou, you should make a reservation, either by stopping by the restaurant when the park opens or by calling its reservation number. If you want to sit by the water, that will require an additional wait - from the time you check in. In our case they told us it would take 30 to 45 minutes, and indeed that's how long it took. So, if you want to sit by the water, you may want to make a reservation for half an hour before the time you actually intend to eat and go to a ride while you wait.

I probably wouldn't go back to the Blue Bayou - the rushed service was too annoying - but I'm glad I tried it once.

The Blue Bayou
Anaheim, CA
(714) 781-3463