We stopped at the Old Village Grill in Arroyo Grande yesterday for lunch. We were driving down 101 and were famished by the time we got to Arroyo Grande. Mike remembered that we’d been to the Old Village Grill before, and he thought it was good. This time I thought it was merely OK.
I got their sourdough burger which came with cheese, shredded lettuce, tomato and not-sauteed-enough onions (~$6). The patty was rather small and the whole burger was unwieldy to eat. It tasted good, however. Mike had their BBQ bacon burger and he liked it, it was tasty and juice and the BBQ sauce did not overwhelm the flavors. We shared onion rings that were a bit overcooked, but nicely seasoned – though the accompanying (ranch?) sauce was too salty. I had a peanut butter shake which wasn’t flavorful enough. The bill came to $19 before tip.
In all, I think next time I may try a new place.
Old Village Grill
101 E. Branch St.
Arroyo Grande, Ca
(805) 489-4915

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