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Pictures from Isla Holbox

On the ferry to Isla Holbox, some dolphins played in the wake of the boat.

Mika had great fun finding things on the beach.

The kids loved the warm water, gentle waves, soft sand, and a very gradual slope at the beach.

What could be better?

This is a whale shark - the biggest fish in the world. We also spotted dolphins, sardines, and two manta rays. The underwater pictures of the whale shark didn't turn out well.

After jumping into the ocean twice to swim with a whale shark, Mika stayed on the boat.

One the fish Mika and Daddy spotted while snorkeling after swimming with whale sharks.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 10, 2009 4:52 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Days 3 - From Isla Holbox to Cancun.

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