Margarita's International Recipes


Salada di Batata

(Potato salad)

This potato salad is very simple, it has very few ingredients beyond potatoes and mayo. Mike, the only one that evening who ate potato salad, liked it though he said he preferred the African-American version I made a few months ago.

The original recipe did not specify what type of potatoes to use, so I used red potatoes as that's what Mike wanted. I also used low-fat mayo to save on the calories. I halved the original recipe as Mike would be the only one eating it. The version below is enough for 4 servings as a side dish.

Potato salad


  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 hardboiled egg
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp. bacon bits
  • 1/2 tbsp. beef broth
  • 1/2 tbsp. mustard
  • 2 tsp. vinegar
  • salt & pepper to taste.


    Wash and boil the potatoes until soft, about 15-20 minutes. Remove from water, let cool, peel and cube. Add to a bowl. Cube the hard-boiled egg and add to the bowl. Add mayo, bacon bits, beef broth, mustard and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Mix well and chill.

    See the original recipe.

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