Le Superbe Fondue

Last night we had fondue for dinner, from a box. It was Le Superbe Fondue, imported from Switzerland, which we got at Trader Joe’s. It was quite good, a little bit less alcoholic tasting than the ones from the red boxes we usually get at tthe supermarket, which is good. Of course, home-made fondue is often better, and it is really easy to make, but last night I wanted something that took no time at all. And that would save us having to wash the food processor (after grating all those cheeses). Anyway, we liked it.

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  1. Riley

    I, too, tried Le Superbe Fondue last night. Creamy, cheesy, the way fondue should be—except for the ghastly old sock smell that permeated my home for over 4 hours.

  2. Marga

    hey, that’s the way fondue is supposed to be too! 🙂
    I remember the first time I had fondue at a restaurant in Switzerland, they asked us when we got there if we were going to have fondue, when we said yes, we were sent to a separate dining room at the back of the restaurant. They do that so the main dining room doesn’t get contaminated by the fondue smell.

  3. Lois Carl

    Trader Joes says it will not have the Le Superbe Fondue until next October. Is it available somewhere else until then?

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