We went to Aziza last night and did the pre-fix 5 course deal ($39 pp).
Most of us had the lentil soup which was good but pedestrian. The soup of the day was Jerusalem artichoke cream and it was sooooo good that it convinced /me/ to try Jerusalem artichokes the next time I can.
The appetizers (Med. spreads, mushroom ravioli, goat cheese and lima beans) were also out of this world. The roasted pepper & pomegranate spread, in particular, was ambrosia. They were soooo good that we’re planning a return visit where all we order are appetizers 🙂
The bastilla was OK, it was a thick chicken pie but not as flavorful and tasty as other bastillas I’ve had or made. I wouldn’t order it again – though it inspired me to make bastilla this week for dinner 🙂
The main dishes in all were a disappointment. They were good, don’t get me wrong, but again we found them pedestrian and boring. I had the squab, which was well cooked and had a lovely sauce, but I’ve had similar dishes many times. It was also a pretty small portion so I was left hungry afterwards (this, however, may be the pregnancy talking).
My husband & friend both had the Aziza couscous and again they found it kind of bland and boring. Boris thought all the ingredients tasted the same, DH noticed different tastes but pronounced them all mild. The couscous was nice and fluffy – but no different from the couscous I make at home. Regina had the berber vegetable tagine and was also quite disappointed. She liked the couscous it came with a lot, but found the vegetable tagine boring, though she could appreciate the freshness of the veggies. Still, she felt she’s had many tastier tagines. All the couscous people couldn’t finish their entrees (which was good for me 🙂
Desserts also failed to awe. I had the ice cream, two /tiny/ ice cream sandwiches that were good and new but soooo tiny – other desserts were twice as big. I loved the hot chocolate pot, it was sooo flavorful and warm, though the accompanying cookie was somewaht salty and kind of weird. Boris thought the creme brulee was just OK – he’s a creme brulee afficionado – good, but there are better ones out there, and Regina was initially put off by her huckleberries sorbet but grew to really, really like it.
We loved the room, service was good and I would like to go back there – though only if I can just feast on the appetizers 🙂
As usual, I’ll write a full review and post it on my website at some point.

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