Herb-Stuffed Leg of Lamb Braised in Red Wine

Last night I made the above mentioned dish, also from the All About Braising cookbook I got from the library (and which I’m going to buy). It was good, though not worth all the trouble. A roasted leg of lamb is just as good (particularly the Armenian Leg of Lamb recipe) and much easier and cheaper to make – so I wouldn’t make it again. But we did enjoy it a lot.
It consisted of a boneless leg of lamb stuffed with a mixture of Italian parsley, mint, rosemary (you could also put thyme and/or sage), garlic and shallot, then rolled and tied up and browned on olive oil. The leg was then braised on a mixture of red wine and broth (I used beef, the book called for veal, lamb or chicken broth) with chopped onion and carrots, parsley stems and a little bit of chopped rosemary and mint. The lamb was then sliced and served with a reduction of the braising liquid.
I served it with steamed green beans and mashed potatoes from a box. Fresh mashed potatoes would have been better, but I hate peeling potatoes. When I mentioned that to Mike he told me he actually likes doing it – so in the future I’ll make home-made mashed potatoes.
In any case, it was a great dinner. Mika wasn’t too enthused by the lamb, but she did eat a lot of green beans 🙂

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