I just came across jatbar.com, AKA Jason and Terrys Bay Area Reviews, a new (to me) website with personal reviews of Bay Area restaurants. The reviewers specialize in the South Bay, and they have LOTS of reviews. It’s worth checking out.
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I live in the new york city and happened across a new place called Mo Pitkins. its in the east village which is a total cultural spot. The place hasn’t opened yet but they were doing a tasting and i went inside. The food was really good — they are doing a mix between old word spanish (think smoky paella) and eastern european (the Ma Cohen’s brisket). I was hesitant at the idea, absolutely but i was suprised to find that it was all very good. The latkes were really amazing. What stands out the most is the atmosphere. The owners really were trying for an old world supper club. The atmosphere is great. Big dark red leather booths, hard dark wooden tables. They built the place full of antiques as well: antique bar, chandaliers, mirrors, the works. The I can only imagine the place will be even better when it is filled with the hum of dinner guests. The full name is Mo Pitkins house of Satisfaction. . .the name sticks
Oh, and they told me upstairs is an 80 seat cabaret. Could this be any better?