Changed birthday plans

I just read a posting in Craigslist about a recent dining experience at Manresa. Apparently the Chef’s Menu (which I would have ordered) contained three raw seafood dishes (Salmon Roe on custard, an oyster in gelee, and minced raw scallops) and several other things that I’m not sure I’d like, and while I’m willing to try a couple, I don’t think I want a menu full of things that I may not like. Their a la carte menu does sound good, but I decided to look further a field and see if there was something I’d like better.
That’s how I came about the menu at Fleur de Lys and everything there sounds absolutely devine. Plus, it’s open on my birthday (Manresa is closed on tuesdays). So I cancelled the Manresa reservation and made one at Fleur de Lys instead. I still want to try Manresa some time, but perhaps not on such a dear occasion as my birthday.

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1 Comment

  1. Dr. Biggles

    Excellent, thinking on the fly to save a birthday happy evening. Have something tasty for me, I don’t get out to dinner much. Lunch I can do.
    I think for my birthday, in August, I’ll head to Monterey and have a picnic on a beach somewheres. Something sunny, ya know?

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