Library sale

Today our public library had a sale and I picked up a few cookbooks. They are mostly pretty old (cookbook selection at these sales is never that good) but for $1 for hardbacks and 50-cents for paperbacks, I can’t complain. I got:
La Cuisine Creole A collection of Culinary Recipes, 1956 reprint of 1885 original
Danish Cookery by Susanne, 1961
The Fabulous Fondue Cookbook by Carmel B. Reingold, 1980
This is a small paperback but might be useful.
The French Chef Cookbook by Julia Child, 1968
The Frugual Gourmet Cooks Three Ancient Cuisines, 1989
Indonesian Food and Cookery by Sri Owen, 1980
I already have a newer, longer Indonesian cookbook by the same author, but for 50c couldn’t pass it up
Polish Cookbook by the Culinary Arts Institute, 1978

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1 Comment

  1. Anna Kloda

    I am interested in the Polish Cookbook. Could you please send me more information. Thank you.

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