Tea time

In Argentina, where I grew up, tea time is an honored tradition carried out by grandmothers and elderly aunts everywhere. Families with children usually have a merienda, a meal that consists of a hot drink (tea, a latte, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, mate cocido) with cookies, toast or pastries, perhaps relegating tea time for weekends or for when they have guests. But practically everyone has a tea pot and a nice set of tea china waiting to be used.
When I was growing up, I had tea time at my grandmother’s house twice a week or so, when I visited her. By necessity it was at a little after 5, when I got off school, though the more usual time for tea was 4 PM. Everyday tea, served in a regular pot, was served, like a merienda, with cookies and toast or scones with butter and jam. On special occasions, most commonly when we had guests, special pastries (masas finas) and delicate sandwiches (s

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1 Comment

  1. J.

    The Garden Court in the Palace Hotel is most certainly a most beautiful place to go have tea. Unfortunately, neither the service nor the food were very good. I don’t know if it was because we got there too late or it was just extra busy that day?! The only thing of note is the delicious Greek rose petal jam. Otherwise, Ritz-Carlton is a better choice. 🙂

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