Got a lot of books

Last Saturday our local library had its book sale and I scored a lot of cookbooks. Granted most of the stuff they had was quite old, but for $1 for hardcovers and 50-cents for softcovers, who can complain? Now I need a place to store all these books!
Anyway, I got a few spiral or home-bound books:

-Traditional Quebec Cooking
by Micheline-Mongrain-Dontigny
circa 1995

-Authentic Indian-Mexican Recipes
by William Hardwick
a small pamphlet circa 1965 of recipes from the Rio Grande region
-Unusual Acadian Recipes for the sweet toogh by Mercedes Vidrine
These are cake & pastry recipes from the Acadians that settled in Louisiana, aka Cajuns
-The Romaian Way of Cooking by The Geroy’s of St. Mary’s Romanian Orthodox Church in Ohio
Really, Romanian-american recipes, c. 1968
Kauai Cookbook by the Kekaha Parent-Teacher’s Association
c. 1959
Recipes: The Cooking of the Caribbean Islands
a Time-Life publication
Though I have several Caribbean cookbooks, i got this one because it helpfully mentions what country each recipe comes from. Often times Caribbean cookbooks don’t.
I also got several books from the Time-Life “Foods of the World” collection circa 1968. These are all hard cover books. I got:

  • The cooking of Provincial France
  • The cooking of Vienna’s Empire
  • The cooking of Italy
  • The cooking of Scandinavia
  • Latin American cooking
    and finally a couple of hardcover cookbooks
    -Russian Cookinb
    a translation of a Russian original circa 1974
    -The Balkans Cookbook by Jugoslovenska Knjiga
    circa 1987
    and finally:
    The complete American Housewife – 1776 by Julianne Belote
    A book on colonnial cooking circa 1974
    Now it’s time for me to get cooking!

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