
Alfajores are Argentina’s unofficial national treat. An alfajor is basically a soft cookie with a sweet filling. The cookie is usually cakey, though in some versions it’s phillo-like, and while traditional alfajores were filled with jam (quince jam is particularly popular), the most delicious Argentine alfajores have a dulce de leche filling. Some alfajores are covered, most typically with a powdered sugar or a dark chocolate bath, though many of the alfajores from the Northwest as well as many of new “alfajores artesanales” (i.e. the non-mass produced kind) are plain.
Several of the northern Argentine provinces have their own type of alfajores, and as during our trip to Salta, Jujuy, Tucum

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  1. stef

    hi, marga, i just discovered your website and blog. i’m filipina and we have our version of alfajor — which we call “alpahor”. would love to trade notes with you. if i understand correctly, you’re originally from argentina but currently live in the US? thanks!

  2. M.D. Taracido

    Does anyone know where one can buy the Havanna Alfajores in the NYC metro area???

  3. mary

    Does anyone have a recipe for the alfajore havanna or the alfajor de chocolate nieve?

  4. Marga

    I can’t imagine you’ll find a recipe. They are not “artisanal” alfajores, but industrially made ones, so you’d probably need their own processes and machines to make them.

  5. Sebastien

    Oh! Alfajores from Argentina are great!

  6. myriam

    I live in Philadelphia, where can I find alfajores, the ones from Mar del Plata are the best I’ve tasted. Well, from what I remember (it’s been over 20 years that I’ve been in Argentina)

  7. Jeanne

    Marga, I fell in love with Havannas as well, but it was the lemon cream filled vanilla cookie, Galletita that won my heart.
    I wish I had known about the problems with American Airlines before I ran into the same problem with them. We got to the airport 3 hours early and had just 5 min to spare by the time we got to the gate! I did have a chance to look at the offerings at the airport shops (only after you clear the many hurdles thrown at you and clear check-in, customs, immigration, and security!) The alfajores were available as was a chocolate covered version of the lemon cookie, but alas, I had to leave Argentina without my beloved galletitas. I was hoping to find a source where I could buy them on line when I found your delightful posting.
    Let it be known that all that you reported was very accurate, especially about American Airlines!

  8. Rodrigo Rojas

    hi just a simple question: what would be the best brand of alfajores after Havanna?

  9. Marga

    Ah, if I only knew. I didn’t keep tabs while I was in my big alfajor hunt. As I said above, I really liked the La Quinta alfajores from Cordoba.
    The brand that I like best that I can get sometimes at my local Latin market is Balcarce. They have been the traditional competition of Havannas, and there are people who like them more.

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