Big Bubba’s Bad BBQ at the Alameda County Fair

We’ve been going to the Alameda County Fair every year since our oldest girl was born. The kids love seeing the animals and the rides, and we all enjoy the concerts.   Some highlights have been  The Village People, K.C. and the Sunshine Band, Smashmouth and Weird Al.

We haven’t been particularly impressed with food at the fair, however. It’s expensive, of course, (drinks in particular), but it’s also not that great. The funnel cakes are OK – but not worth the calories, and the hot dogs are just hot dogs, edible but safe. Among the poor choices, Big Bubba’s Bad BBQ seems like the best.

We’ve tried their BBQ beef and their Tri-Tip sandwiches and grilled chicken. None of these items have been remarkable, and the chicken can be particularly dry.  The pork ribs are a better choice, with tender, smokey meat.  Their mild BBQ sauce is quite good.

Big Bubba’s Bad BBQ
Alameda County Fairgrounds
4501 Pleasanton Ave
Pleasanton, CA


Marga’s Venue Dining Reviews

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