I couldn’t find it in their product list, and I don’t have a picture of it, but Ghirardelli Bittersweet Chocolate Fudge Sauce is just delicious. Dark, intense, creamy, perfect over ice cream or from a spoon. I know it’s available at their factory store in San Leandro. You should certainly try it.
FruitPreserves.jpgI found Sunny Harvest Blueberry Preserves at the 99cents only store and, after looking at the ingredients and noting the use of sugar and not corn syrup, I just had to try it. They were great. I served them at my last tea party along with a large selection of jams and spreads, and these were the favorite ones (after dulce de leche, of course). They have a very strong and definite blueberry taste. Interestingly, they are made in China, which I’d never pegged as a big producer of blueberries.
I’ve said it before, but I love going to the 99-cents store and seeing what treat I can find for my 99-cents. They are particularly strong on preserves of all kinds, which come from all over the world. I suspect much of it could be sold by European-type stores for many times as much.
president.jpgWhat a difference a butter makes. I got some President Unsalted Butter at the EuroMix deli on Piedmont Ave. and I’m in heaven. That butter is just so, so good. I recognize it as being the butter I enjoy at many high-class restaurants (which, I’m sure, don’t churn their own). It also wasn’t particularly expensive given the quality.

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