Mike – my husband, that is – is running for School Board in San Leandro (check out his website) and he’s having a kickoff party next Thursday evening. If you’re a San Leandran, or even if you’re not, you are welcomed to come. It’ll be from 7-8:30 PM at Zocalo.
Anyway, I’m in charge of the menu, and this is what I’m planning to serve so far:
-Meat empanadas
-Mini quiches
-Fresh fruit
-Fish crackers (for the kids)
I may also make pinwheel sandwiches, but I think I probably have enough with the stuff above. Plus I don’t want to over-extend myself either. After all, it’s about him, not the food 🙂 That said, he LOVES deviled eggs, so I may make those as well.

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