Fire at Pee Wee’s

There was a fire at Pee Wee’s Pizza this morning. The fire – which we, as normal sleeping people, didn’t see nor hear – had flames shooting through the roof and heavy heat on the inside. They still don’t know what caused it. I daresay that Pee Wee’s will be closed for a while 🙂
Update: Apparently the fire was set intentionally. There were prying marks next to the door and the door was wide open when the fire crews came. The restaurant is now just an empty shell, everything inside burned. So alas, no more Pee Wee’s 🙁 We hadn’t gone for a while, but it’s a real shame given how long the place has been in building. They have no insurance but they’re planning on rebuilding. Apparently they’ve gotten a lot of support from their customers over the years and may get a lot of volunteer labor. If nothing else, the place will look better. So all I have to say is “Go Pee Wee’s”

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