Taqueria closes down

It will come as no surprise to anyone – certainly not me – that Taqueria, the recently opened, well, taqueria, in downtown San Leandro, just couldn’t make it. Though their pricing scheme (charging per item) was innovative, nothing else about it was, and it was competing against a very succesful, authentic, long-time operation (Los Pericos), which, frankly, has better food. So no, I’m not surprised they’re closed.
According to a sign they’re now doing catering only. I wish them well, but I can’t help feeling sad about the possibilities the place had. There is certainly a need in San Leandro for a standard Mediterranean restaurant serving things like quality kebabs, kofta, pilafs, Mediterranean salads/platters and tons of little things in pastries. True, there is Luke’s grill, but their quality is less than stellar, and they’re expensive. And even then they’re often packed. But I think Kolbeh-Taqueria owners just didn’t have the resources to dedicate to a restaurant serving quality foods and they tried to concentrate on gimmicks rather than quality.
I’m still hoping someone will open a new restaurant in downtown San Leandro – we surely need it.

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