Orange-soy braised country style ribs

I don’t know if I have any /regular/ readers of my Food Blog, as opposed to people who just drop by from time to time, but if you are a regular and you’ve missed me, I’m back. I haven’t been blogging much ’cause, frankly, I don’t have time to do everything in my to-do list, so from time to time I drop some activities for a while. But I like to blog about food, and I feel guilty about all the restaurant reviews I haven’t posted, so in the next few days I hope to get back on track.
I’ll start by blogging about the recipe I made last night: Orange Soy Braised Pork Ribs. Country style ribs were on sale at Safeway, and I wanted to braise them in some way. That recipe for Epicurious got good reviews so I tried it.
It was a very easy dish to make, juicing the oranges was what took the longest, and the ribs were very tender – just as you’d expect them to be after two hours braising in any liquid. BUT I wasn’t thrilled with the flavor or the glace. By themselves, the ribs just had a mild soy-sauce flavor, nice but not very strong. On the plus side, the kids ate it without complaining. People had complained that it was hard to get the liquid to become syrupy. It did, when I boiled it long enough, but it then became very intense in flavor, I would say too intense.
Still, after rubbing some of the glace off, the ribs were pretty good and Mike enjoyed them.
I’d probably look for a different recipe for next time, though.
Sorry, no pictures. Hopefully I’ll remember next time.

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1 Comment

  1. Alma Whitten

    I’m a regular reader =) I discovered your restaurant reviews soon after we moved to San Leandro, and they’ve been hugely helpful to us. We’ve become extra fond of Favorite India and Horatio’s, but we’ve also tried a lot of other local places from your list and you haven’t steered us wrong yet!

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