beringer.jpgI first tried Beringer wine when I went wine tasting at their impressive operation in Napa many years ago. They give a great tour of their facilities – or at least they did back them – but their wine seemed inferior. Outside the winery, it’s certainly affordable. Last night I wanted to drink some wine with our steaks (steaks two nights in a row, courtesy of Costco’s large sizes), but I didn’t want to open another bottle of expensive wine (and for me expensive is anything over $10), so I decided to open this Beringer bottle that somebody had brought us. It wasn’t that great.
It didn’t have much of an aroma to speak off, and the taste itself was very mild. Low on tanins with a bare hint of oakiness. It did improve when drank with the steak, assuming a complimentary role. I’d drink it again, but with food.

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