I love chicken marsala (or veal scalloppini a la marsala). It’s one of my favorite dishes and one that I seek out at restaurants everywhere. In Argentina, I’ve had some very good chicken marsalas – but I haven’t found one here that I really like. Indeed, only last week I had a very disappointing one at Spettro. I’ve tried to make it before, very unsuccessfully. But I had a craving for it today, and I figured I’d give it another try.
I’m glad I did. This recipe from epicurious.com is phenomenal. It produced a dark, sensuous sauce that was bursting with flavor. Mike was very impressed, though the girls refused to try it. I did skip the sage, as I didn’t have any at home, and it didn’t seem to be any the worse for it. How could it be, when it was so good without it. My only complains were that there wasn’t enough sauce – next time I’ll double the amounts – and that it dirties quite a lot of dishes, a problem in a home like mine without a dishwasher.
Still, it’s worth it. It took me about an hour to make it – and I used chicken thighs rather than breasts, as Mika only likes “slimy” chicken.

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