Library Booksale Redux

This morning we went to yet another Friends of the Library booksale at the San Leandro library. I didn’t mean to buy too many cookbooks, I have no room as it is, and it’s not like I ever use them. But once again, I couldn’t resist them. So this is what I got:
A Taste of Florida, by Dorothy Chapman – I guess I’m adding Floridian, to the list of cuisines I’ll probably never cook.
winelovers.jpgThe wine lover’s cookbook by Sid Goldstein – Mike found it. It’s not a book of wine-based recipes (darn!), but of recipes with recommended wine pairings. It gets good reviews at, and it seems it’s the kind of book one has to read and not just get recipes from. Seems like a good buy.

The Greens Cook Book by Deborah Madison. I am, as you may know, an anti-vegetarian, I eat barely any vegetables, but I do cook vegetarian food from time to time and I thought it’d be a good addition to my cookbook collection.
The Complete Book of Caribbean Cooking by Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz. I already own two or three Caribbean cookbooks, but there are so many islands in that area that I can always use another one. And this book tells you from which country each recipe is.
Middle Eastern Cooking and American Cooking: The Northwest from the Time-Life Foods of the World collection. This is a really old collection – the books are from the 1960’s and 70’s, but I’ve found some good recipes in some of them. I have quite a lot of them now, as I keep buying them when I see them at the library sales.
And this is it – until the next sale 🙂

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