Java House (Nairobi)

The Java House is a little mall restaurant in the Ya Ya center serving coffees and pastries, as well as sandwiches and burgers and breakfast foods. The prices are the same or a little bit above what you’d pay in America – and the food can be pretty good. I’ve been there twice, already, and we’ll probably go back again.
On my previous visit I ordered their BBQ beef sandwich. I wasn’t incredibly happy with it, the sandwich was pretty dry and the bbq sauce scant and not that tasty. I wouldn’t order it again. Today I had their cheeseburger (Ks. 380 – $5.70) and once again I wasn’t happy. The hamburger was well done and very, very dry. I guess I could have ordered it less cooked, and that would have helped, but I’m not sure that I want to eat ground beef in Kenya that it’s not well done. Not that I have any reason for this prejudice. The flavor was good enough, but I wouldn’t order it again. It came with fries which weren’t particularly crispy – all the fries I’ve had here have been on the soft side – but were tasty.
My colleague had the double chicken sandwich (Ks. 580 – $8.70). He thought it was very good.
We took home an avocado, cheese and tomato sandwich for another colleague (Ks. 300 – $4.50), and I hear these are quite good.
Java House is part of a Nairobi chain.
Java House
Yaya Center

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1 Comment

  1. Marga

    Today I had their steak and cheddar sandwich for lunch. It was OK, nothing too exciting, but the meat was tender – which is quite a compliment to Kenyan meat ;-). I’d order it again if I was really hungry. As it was, the bread was just too much, and I just ended up eating the meat 🙂

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