Punjabi by Nature is one of the restaurants in the foodcourt at “Prestige Plaza”, where the closest Najumatt to our apartment building is. They have several restaurants/stands, offering Kenyan, Indian, Turkish, Chinese and other foods. I’ve had the Turkish stuff before and it wasn’t bad. The mutton korma I had tonight at Punjabi by Nature wasn’t particularly good.
Its main problem was that it lacked complexity, the sauce was spicy but otherwise bland (if that makes sense). I ate it – and the hot naam with which it was served was pretty good, and the mutton was tender. Still, I probably wouldn’t go there again.
The mutton korma was Ks.450 – $6.75, about average for the restaurant.
Punjabi by Nature
Nakumatt, Ngong Road
@ Prestige Plaza
1st Floor, Food Court

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