I’m more than pleased to announce that the San Leandro Adult School will have four cooking classes for the fall semester. The classes will be on Indian Cooking (9/13), Malaysian Cooking (10/4), Thai Cooking (10/18) and South East Asian Cooking (11/8). They are all taught by Jenny Sim, a Chinese woman from Malaysia, who lived in Thailand for a long time. You may recall (or not), that I took two classes with her (on SE Asian and Malaysian cooking) last year. I enjoyed them a lot. And they have the advantage of being *only* $35 – which is /very/ cheap for a cooking class. The classes include all the food, BUT they don’t have a kitchen at the adult school – so the instructor has to bring an electric wok and a camp stove.
Anyway, I’m planning to take the four classes – every time you cook different dishes. If you want to take them, you can register online at http://www.asaonlinereg.com/sanleandro/Classes.asp?txtAction=LoadSections&txtCourseGroupID=3&txtCourseCode=1425.

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