Balti & Caucasian Recipes Up

My house is a mess. Always. Every day. No matter how much I clean, it’s always a mess. I say this as way of explanation of why I haven’t, and don’t see myself hosting dinner parties in the near future. I just can’t manage to both clean the house and have people over all in the same day.
I have, on the other hand, been very much in a cooking mode lately – so I’ve gone back to my international food project -, only now I’m following it by cooking single dinner dishes for my family. It makes it a little difficult to come up with a full menu – appetizers, main dishes, sides and dessert – but some of the cuisines I’m cooking don’t really lend themselves to mutli-course dinners anyway. I am hoping that by making the project part of my everyday cooking, I will start advancing it on it more quickly than in the past. After all, it’s taken me 8 years just to do 2 letters.
This past week I’ve cooked Balti cuisine and Caucasian cuisine. The former is a style of food cooking and serving created by Indian cooks in England – as far as I can gather, it’s very similar to what we get at Indian restaurants in the US. Next on the menu are Cantonese dishes – my first foray ever into Chinese food. I’ll also be cooking a couple of Awadhi dishes and may indeed go back to some “A” cuisines for which I didn’t have enough recipes to make a full meal.
Balti Menu
Caucasian Menu

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