2006 Pascual Toso Malbec

pascual.jpgI got this Argentine wine at Trader Joe’s a few weeks ago. Being Argentinian, I’m always in the look for promising & cheap wines from my country. This wine is one of those perfectly drinkable, not challenging and yet not empty wines that occupy the middle of the road of the wine world. It’s a perfectly fine dinner wine, but not one you’d sip for pleasure alone.
It has a medium body and very light tanins. Flavors of dark cherries and blackberries, a dry fruitiness. It has a smooth finish and very light pepper.

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  1. frances

    I tried the 2006 Pasucal Toso Malbec and I love it. I would like to know which Trader Joe’s carry this item. I also tried the 2007 which has a bolder flavor but definitely prefer the 2006 a bit more.

  2. Marga

    I got it at the Trader Joe’s in Castro Valley (California).

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