Today, Lotti and Vienna came over for tea (our fourth tea partner, Regina, has unfortunately moved to NY – we miss you Regina!). The house was a complete mess, so I spent much more time cleaning up than cooking – but I still wanted to have something yummy to go with the tea (that English breakfast tea I bought at Harrod’s in the London Airport). What I served were simple things:
–Chicken salad sandwiches
–Sugar Cookies
–Scones with butter & strawberry jam.
The only new recipe was that for the scones, and they were fairly easy to make and quite good. IT wasn’t the definitive recipe for scones, however, which is why I did not copy it here.
I’ve been looking for tea cups at Thrift Town, a great thrift store, and I’ve bought three so far. I hope I can find more 🙂
Tea with the girls
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